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Dunn RE. (2024) Atolls are vital for seabirds and vice versa. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 8: 1784-1785.
Please contact me if you would like a PDF of this manuscript.
Dunn RE, Benkwitt CE, Maury O, Barrier N, Carr P, Graham NAJ. (2024) Island restoration to rebuild seabird populations and amplify coral reef functioning. Conservation Biology. e14313.
See here for a Lancaster University news article on this publication.
Dunn RE, Freeman R, Nicoll MA, Ramsden J, Trevail AM, Wood H, Votier SC. (2024) From route to dive: multi-scale habitat selection in a foraging tropical seabird. Marine Biology. 171: 124.
See here for a Lancaster University news article on this publication.
Dunn RE, Duckworth J, O’Brien S, Furness RW, Buckingham L, Daunt L, Bogdanova MI & Green JA. (2024) Temporal and spatial variability in availability bias has consequences for marine bird abundance estimates during the non-breeding season. Ecological Solutions and Evidence. 5: e12373.
See here for a blog article about this manuscript.
Dedman S, Moxley JH, Papastamatiou YP, Braccini M, Caselle JE, Chapman DD, Cinner JE, Dillon EM, Dulvy NK, Dunn RE, Espinoza M, Harborne AR, Harvey ES, Heupel MR, Huveneers C, Graham NAJ, Ketchum JT, Klinard NV, Kock AA, Lowe CG, MacNeil AM, Madin EMP, McCauley DJ, Meekan MG, Meier AC, Simpfendorfer CA, Tinker MT, Winton, M, Wirsing AJ, Heithaus MR. (2024) Ecological roles and importance of sharks in the Anthropocene Ocean. Science. 385: 6708.
See here for a Lancaster University news article on this publication.
Please contact me if you would like a PDF of this manuscript.
Dunn RE*, Duckworth J*, Green JA. (2023) A framework to unlock marine bird energetics. Journal of Experimental Biology. 226 (24): jeb246754. * contributed equally.
See here for an interview with me and co-lead author, James Duckworth.
See here for a Heriot-Watt University news article about this publication.
Benkwitt CE, D'Angelo C, Dunn RE, Gunn RL, Healing S, Mardones ML, Wiedenmann J, Wilson SK, Graham NAJ. (2023) Seabirds boost coral reef resilience. Science Advances. 9: eadj039.
See here for a Lancaster University news article on this publication.
Trevail AM, Wood H, Carr P, Dunn RE, Nicoll MA, Votier SC, Freeman R. (2023) Multi-colony tracking reveals segregation in foraging range, space use, and timing in a tropical seabird. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 724: 155-165.
Please contact me if you would like a PDF of this manuscript.
Dunn RE, Green J, Wanless S, Harris MP, Newell MA, Bogdanova MI, Horswill C, Daunt F, Matthiopoulos J. (2022) Modelling and mapping how common guillemots balance their energy budgets over a full annual cycle. Functional Ecology. 36 (7): 1612-1626.
See here for a plain language summary of this publication.
Heithaus MR, Dunn RE, Farabaugh NF, Lester E, Madin E, Meekan M, Papastamatiou YP, Roff G, Vaudo JJ, Wirsing AJ. (2022) Advances in Our Understanding of the Ecological Importance of Sharks and Their Relatives. Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives, Third Edition, edited by Carrier JC, Simpfendorfer CA, Heithaus MR, Yopak KE. CRC Press.
Please contact me if you would like a PDF of this book chapter.
Dunn RE, Wanless S, Daunt F, Harris MP, Green JA. (2020) A year in the life of a North Atlantic seabird: behavioural and energetic adjustments during the annual cycle. Scientific Reports. 10: 5933.
See here for a blog post about this publication.
Dunn RE, Wanless S, Green JA, Harris MP, Daunt F. (2019) Effects of body size, sex, parental care and moult strategies on auk diving behaviour outside the breeding season. Journal of Avian Biology. 50 (7): 02012.
See here for a University of Liverpool news article on this publication.
Dunn RE, White CR, Green JA. (2018) A model to estimate seabird field metabolic rates. Biology Letters. 14 (6): 20180190.
See here for a University of Liverpool news article on this publication.
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